clusterId |
The cluster ID of the Repose node on which the filter is running, configured in the Repose system model. |
- |
dataCenter |
The data center, configured in the highly-efficient-record-processor.cfg.xml file.
This string will be used in logging to note the data center of the service. |
- |
guid |
A globally unique identifier generated for a particular request.
This will begin with the value provided in the Tracing header (X-Trans-Id) if present and be followed by a colon (: ) and a GUID. |
- |
impersonatorName |
The impersonator making the request on behalf of a user. |
client-auth or openstack-identity-v3 |
methodLabel |
A label which describes the API call.
This is pulled from the WADL used by the api-validator filter. |
api-validator |
nodeId |
The node ID of the Repose node on which the filter is running, configured in the Repose system model. |
- |
parameters |
The query parameters for a request.
Note that this field is a map, and specific parameters can be inserted using the following form: {{parameters.<parameter-key>}} . |
- |
projectID |
The tenant ID or project ID of the user making the request authenticated through an OpenStack Identity service.
Note that, if the client-auth filter is used, the tenantId from that filter will be inserted into this field.
IF the origin service will add this header to the response, THEN that will be used if not available on the request. |
client-auth or openstack-identity-v3
(X-Tenant-ID or X-Project-ID ) |
region |
The region, configured in the highly-efficient-record-processor.cfg.xml file.
This string will be used in logging to note the region of the service. |
- |
requestMethod |
The HTTP method of the request. |
- |
requestQueryString |
The full query string of the request.
For example, a request to /path?a=1&b=1 would have a query string of a=1&b=2. |
- |
requestURL |
The URL of the request. |
- |
requestorIp |
The IP of the user making the request. |
- |
responseCode |
The response code to be returned to the user. |
- |
responseMessage |
The response message to be returned to the user.
This is not the body of the response. |
- |
roles |
The roles of the user making the request authenticated through an OpenStack Identity service. |
client-auth or openstack-identity-v3 |
serviceCode |
The service code, configured in the highly-efficient-record-processor.cfg.xml file.
This string will be used in logging to describe the service being accessed. |
- |
targetHost |
The host portion of the request. |
- |
timestamp |
A timestamp indicating when the HERP filter processed the request. |
- |
userAgent |
The user agent of the request. |
- |
userName |
The username of the user making the request. |
client-auth or openstack-identity-v3 |