The URI Redaction service enables Repose to redact sensitive information contained in a URI.

This is extremely useful for removing user tokens from API calls prior to creating OpenTracing spans. The URI Redaction service can be used by any service or filter, even custom ones, that need to redact any information from a URI during processing.


  • Default Configuration: uri-redaction.cfg.xml

  • Released: v8.8.4.0

  • Schema

Full Configuration

The configuration for this service is extremely simple. It consists of a root element and a repeating list of a single element. The values of the repeating redact elements are regular expressions (RegEx’s) that need to adhere to the Java Regular Expression syntax. Each of the RegEx’s will be processed in order from top to bottom. The first RegEx will be passed the original URI. Then the result passed to the next RegEx and so on through the list. Each capture group will be replaced with the literal XXXXX. If multiple capture groups are present in a single RegEx, then all of them are redacted.

Nested capture groups are not supported and should not be used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<uri-redaction xmlns="">
        ^/v1/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/]+.* (1)
        ^/v2/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/]+/? (2)
1 This RegEx would redact the third path segment of calls to the v1 API that had four or more path segments.
Example: /v1/two/three/four/five/
Becomes: /v1/two/XXXXX/four/five/
2 This RegEx would redact the third and fifth path segments of calls to the v2 API that had exactly six path segments regardless of a trailing slash.
Example: /v2/two/three/four/five/six
Becomes: /v2/two/XXXXX/four/XXXXX/six

Using Entity Expansion

Sometimes it is easier to replace some or all of a RegEx with XML Entities that will be expanded during processing. This can provide a more readable and therefore maintainable configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE uri-redaction[
    <!ENTITY singleSegment "[^/]+">
    <!ENTITY singleCapture "(&singleSegment;)">
    <!ENTITY allowSlash "/?">
    <!ENTITY allowTrailing ".*">
<uri-redaction xmlns="">
        ^/v1/&singleSegment;/&singleCapture;/&singleSegment;&allowTrailing; (1)
        ^/v2/&singleSegment;/&singleCapture;/&singleSegment;/&singleCapture;/&singleSegment;&allowSlash; (2)
        ^/v2.0/tokens/&singleCapture;&allowTrailing; (3)
1 This RegEx would redact the third path segment of calls to the v1 API that had four or more path segments.
Example: /v1/two/three/four/five/
Becomes: /v1/two/XXXXX/four/five/
2 This RegEx would redact the third and fifth path segments of calls to the v2 API that had exactly six path segments regardless of a trailing slash.
Example: /v2/two/three/four/five/six
Becomes: /v2/two/XXXXX/four/XXXXX/six
3 Redact the Tokens from Keystone v2 calls.
Example: /v2.0/tokens/SecretUserToken
Becomes: /v2.0/tokens/XXXXX

Multiple Redactions on the same URI

Sometimes it is easier to replace some or all of a RegEx with XML Entities that will be expanded during processing. This can provide a more readable and therefore maintainable configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE uri-redaction[
    <!ENTITY singleSegment "[^/]+">
    <!ENTITY singleCapture "(&singleSegment;)">
    <!ENTITY allowSlash "/?">
    <!ENTITY allowTrailing ".*">
    <!ENTITY redactedString "XXXXX">
<uri-redaction xmlns="">
    <redact>^/v3/admin/&singleCapture;/&singleSegment;&allowSlash;</redact> (1)
    <redact>^/v3/&singleSegment;/&redactedString;/&singleCapture;&allowSlash;</redact> (2)
1 This RegEx would redact the third path segment of admin calls to the v3 API that had exactly four path segments regardless of a trailing slash.
Example: /v3/admin/three/four/
Becomes: /v3/admin/XXXXX/four/
2 This RegEx would redact the fourth path segment of calls to the v3 API that had exactly four path segments regardless of a trailing slash and had been redacted by the first RegEx.
Example: /v3/admin/XXXXX/four/
Becomes: /v3/admin/XXXXX/XXXXX/