\t |
Tab character. |
\n |
Newline character. |
%% |
Percent sign character. |
%a |
Remote IP address. |
%A |
Local IP address. |
%b |
Size of the response body in bytes in CLF format (i.e., substitutes - rather than 0 when no bytes are sent). |
%B |
Size of the response body in bytes.
0 is substituted when no bytes are sent. |
%D |
Time taken to serve the request, in microseconds. |
%g |
Internal GUID assigned to the request. |
%H |
Request Protocol. |
%h |
Remote Host. |
%{header}i |
Value of the request header identified by {header} .
Note that header names are case-insensitive.
For example, %{X-Auth-Token}i is equivalent to %{x-auth-token}i . |
%{header type out-format}i |
See above.
Supported type are: DATE .
Supported out-format are: RFC_1123 and ISO_8601 .
The input format will be taken to be RFC_1123 . |
%{header type out-format in-format}i |
See above.
Supported in-format are: RFC_1123 and ISO_8601 . |
%M |
HTTP response status message, if set. |
%m |
HTTP request method. |
%{header}o |
Value of the response header identified by {header} .
Note that header names are case-insensitive.
For example, %{LOCATION}o is equivalent to %{location}o . |
%{header type out-format}o |
See above.
Supported type are: DATE .
Supported out-format are: RFC_1123 and ISO_8601 .
The input format will be taken to be RFC_1123 . |
%{header type out-format in-format}o |
See above.
Supported in-format are: RFC_1123 and ISO_8601 . |
%p |
Canonical port of the origin service that handled the request. |
%q |
Query string of the HTTP request.
If no query string exists, then the empty string will be used. |
%r |
First line of HTTP request (e.g., GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 ). |
%s |
HTTP response status code. |
%t |
Time the HTTP request was received in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss . |
%{format}t |
Time the HTTP request was received using the specified date format.
The format must be a SimpleDateFormat .
The format string is limited to letters, numbers, dashes, spaces, periods, and colons.
For example, %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}t is a valid format and template. |
%T |
Time taken to serve the request, in seconds. |
%u |
Remote user.
This value is taken from the X-PP-User header. |
%U |
URL path of the HTTP request, not including the query string. |